How to scrap a car legally in the UK

It is a legal requirement to use an Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) to dispose of your end-of-life vehicle in the UK. Find all the information you need to scrap your car legally, for cash in the UK including nearby scrap yards and scrap car prices.

You may have a car at home that is taking up unnecessary space, this could be due to the vehicle being in an accident, having a mechanical failure or is simply too old to run again. We call these end-of-life vehicles, and recommend that it is time to consider scrapping your car!

If you’re looking for more information, how to get the best price, and legality around scrapping your car, this article will guide you through everything you need to know.

Why it’s necessary to recycle scrap cars?

End-of-life vehicles contains harmful materials such as lead-acid batteries, waste oil, mercury, nickel, and cadmium. According to HSE.GOV.UK, if acid batteries and other harmful parts of ELV’s are not stored, treated and disposed of properly. Then they have the potential to cause injuries, pollute the environment and contribute to climate change impacts.

Sustainability is the future of business and is becoming a top priority across industries globally, and scrap car recycling is no exception. To achieve the UK’s net-zero target and to tackle climate change issues, it’s obligatory to recycle end-of-life vehicles.

How to scrap my car legally in the UK?

Scrapping or recycling an end-of-life vehicle isn’t a difficult process; however, to avoid breaking the law or paying unnecessary fines, you need to abide by the law and gather certain paper documents to scrap a car legally in the UK.

It’s recommended to have the V5C document associated with the car.

What will the Authorised Treatment Facility ask for when I scrap my car?

They are likely to ask for:

  • Vehicle log book (V5C) Not REQUIRED but is helpful
  • Photo ID, this can include driving licence or passport
  • Proof of address, utility bill, bank statement or if a driving licence is provided this will provide a proof of address.

Can I scrap my car without log book (V5C)?

Yes, it’s not required by law to have a V5C log book. However, the presence of a V5C log book can make car scrapping easier at any scrap yard.

You can scrap your car without V5C log book, but you need to provide your Driving License or a Passport with a proof of address, such as a utility bill.

What proof will I receive that my car was scrapped legally? 

You will receive a Certificate of Destruction (COD) 

The DVLA issues a Certificate of Destruction, which serves as proof that your car has been scrapped or recycled legally. When your vehicle has been fully scrapped or recycled, the DVLA will send you a COD via mail or post within a week.

Where can I scrap my car for cash?

You can’t! It is illegal for any business to pay for a scrap car via cash

How will I get the best price for scrapping my car?

It’s not an easy task to predict the best time to scrap your car for the best price unless you’re a market expert. This is because the value of scrap metals fluctuates frequently, so the price you will receive will change in line with this market.

  • Scrap car recyclers or dealers will take into account certain things when calculating your final payment, such as the distance they have had to travel to and from your pickup location. It’s simple, the closer you’ll find a nearby scrap yard or ATF, the more you’ll get a good price.
  • The scrap value of your vehicle can be determined by its weight and the presence of complete parts like the engine, catalytic converters etc. Before sending your car to a nearby scrapyard, ensure your car meets this criterion.

If you’re looking for a quote for your scrap car, simple fill in our scrap car quote form to receive an instant quote for your scrap car!

Do I need to notify the DVLA when scrapping my car?

The DVLA should be notified to declare your car has been scrapped. Remember, if you have scrapped your car, you must notify the DVLA. If you don’t, you could be fined £1000. 

Can I scrap my car without a logbook (V5C)? Yes, but it requires little paperwork. All you have to do is to write a letter to the DVLA with your contact information, as well as the make, model, and registration number of your vehicle. 

The ATF (authorised treatment facility) will usually do this process on your behalf. 

Do I need to SORN before I scrap my car?

If you are wondering how to SORN or ‘do I need to SORN before scrapping my car?’, then there is no straight answer. To be able to park your car on a public highway, you must pay road tax under UK law. If you are storing your car on private land, a driveway or in your garage then you would SORN your car to cancel the tax currently on the car. When you scrap your vehicle and it is currently taxed, this will automatically get refunded once the Authorised treatment facility has collected and processed your scrap car. They will show you through the process with the V5C. To SORN your scrap car online you can do this online at the Government Website.

Once your vehicle has been declared SORN, you won’t be required to pay road tax (it will be refunded automatically and the direct debit cancelled), or maintain an insurance policy. If you’re not using your vehicle for a long time and are planning to get rid of it by scrapping, you must notify the government or declare your car as SORN.

What is the legal way to get paid after I scrap my car?

Should I accept direct hand cash from scrap yards to get paid after I scrap my car? Never, according to ‘The Scrap Metal Dealer’s Act of October 2013’, it’s illegal to accept cash for scrapping a car in England and Wales. 

So, how to get paid legally after I scrap my car? The only legal way to get paid for your car is through bank transfer or via cheque. 

What are the benefits of scrap car recycling?

Every year 12 – 15 million vehicles reach their end life, and the figure is unknown how many scrap cars are directly disposed of in our land and oceans; doing so can be a cause of environmental pollution. 

Most of us are aware of the economic benefits of car recycling, but it is possible that many would be unaware of the environmental benefits of car recycling. 

It’s a fact that by scrapping your car legally from Authorized Treatment Facility (ATF), you’ll get good cash. However, let’s figure out what benefits will you provide to the environment by scrapping your car properly.

Scrapping car has both economic and environmental benefits.

What are the environmental benefits of car recycling?

Eco-friendly car recycling positively benefits the environment. If scrap cars are not recycled properly, they will almost certainly end up in landfills and degrade the environment. 

Proper scrap car recycling benefits the environment in many ways; like:

  • It contributes to the sustainability of the environment.
  • Car recycling reduces the need to mine for new steel.
  • It Conserves energy and resources.
  • It reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle scrap car waste.
  • It Protects wildlife.
  • It Reduces landfills.

Economic benefits of car recycling

The benefits of proper car recycling go beyond the environment. Car recycling provides a cost-effective solution that ensures the survival of many businesses. 

Many local and international manufacturing industries and construction markets utilize recycled materials, particularly scrap metal. As a result, businesses can lower the cost of new steel production and keep their products affordable to consumers. 

Some other economic benefits of car recycling are:

  • Recycling cars create a circular source of economy.
  • Contribute to a sustainable economy.
  • It promotes green businesses.
  • It creates many jobs for locals.

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